Vertical Blinds
Today’s modern alternative to curtains and are suitable for use throughout the home or office.
Their sleek lines and modern look are particularly suitable for patio doors, conservatory windows and offices. Vertical blinds provide complete privacy when closed and they also enable you to vary the amount and direction of incoming light by tilting the vertical slats to the desired angle – ideal for protecting furniture from the sun whilst still letting light into the room.
Our vertical blinds come in a host of beautiful colours and patterns and a range of finishes including PVC and vinyl options for bathrooms and kitchens. Rails can be supplied in white or brown, either straight, curved or sloped, making them a versatile option for many windows.
Louvres are available in widths of either 89mm or 127mm (3½” or 5”).
This video shows how vertical blinds can be used on a curved rail to fit perfectly into a bay window.
For more information
Call A Shade Blind on 01274 510742

Get in touch
Email: sales@ashadeblind.co.uk
Phone: 07745 016143
Mail: Cornwall Road, Bingley, BD16 4RN
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