Roof Blinds
We can supply and fit roof blinds for all major roof window manufacturers including Velux, Fakro and Key-lite.
You can choose from roller blinds, venetian or pleated, in the full range of colours. Blackout blinds are also available either in a roller blind format or a pleated blind. The blinds fit perfectly into the window frame, offering a near complete blackout.
Our Velux blinds are genuine Velux blinds, direct from the manufacturer. We offer these at the Velux RRP (Recommended Retail Price) but will fit the blind for you at no extra charge.
A range of accessories are also available such as extension rods for high windows, insect screens and remote control motorised options.
For roof blinds for your conservatory, please see our Conservatory Blinds page.
For more information
Call A Shade Blind on 01274 510742

Get in touch
Email: sales@ashadeblind.co.uk
Phone: 07745 016143
Mail: Cornwall Road, Bingley, BD16 4RN
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