Pleated Blinds
Neat and modern, traditionally used for conservatory roof blinds.
Pleated blinds are becoming increasingly popular as normal window blinds since they are very neat when retracted, lending a contemporary style to your windows. In nature and appearance, pleated window blinds have a great similarity to venetian blinds. However a pleated fabric is used, rather than the rigid slats in venetians, causing the blind fabric to fold in a concertina effect.
Special skylight pleated blinds for loft or Velux-style windows are also available, as well as the Perfect Fit blind system.
Fabrics are available in many colours, some with specialist coatings on the reverse side, protecting the fabric from the sun’s rays and giving it a reflective coating. Metal backed fabrics are also available providing a high heat reflective finish, ideal for glass conservatory roofs. Two pleat widths are available; 20mm and 25mm. All pleated blinds have the advantage of ‘Uni Pleat’ technology, preventing the pleats gathering at the bottom of roof blinds.
For more information
Call A Shade Blind on 01274 510742
Get in touch
Email: sales@ashadeblind.co.uk
Phone: 07745 016143
Mail: Cornwall Road, Bingley, BD16 4RN
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