Perfect Fit Blinds
An innovative window blind system that revolutionises the performance of many types of window blind.
Perfect Fit enables tensioned pleated and venetian blinds to be installed ‘perfectly’ onto the majority of uPvc windows, integrating the blind into the window frame. No holes are drilled into your window or walls, which means that the blind can be removed at any time, leaving the window in pristine condition. The blinds are easily removable for cleaning, leave window sills free from clutter and do not interfere with the window handles.
Perfect Fit blinds are ideal for conservatories, roof and sky-lite windows, tilt-and-turn windows, shaped windows and uPvc doors. Virtually any shaped window size can be accommodated, making them “perfect” for conservatory roof systems.
The result is simply stunning; great window blinds that will enhance the aesthetics of any room. Choose from 20mm or 25mm pleated or 25mm aluminum / wood slat venetian blinds.
For more information
Call A Shade Blind on 01274 510742

Get in touch
Email: sales@ashadeblind.co.uk
Phone: 07745 016143
Mail: Cornwall Road, Bingley, BD16 4RN
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